Another surprise awaits Eamon and Connor. In front of the fireplace are two bags from Santa, one for each of the boys. We thought Santa was going to only visit Seattle per our request so that we wouldn't have lots of presents to pack and bring home. He leaves a note telling the boys that they rest of their presents are on their way with him to Seattle now, but that he wanted them to have SOMETHING from him in Ireland. Eamon is VERY excited. To fight off the cold, and deal with the loss of power, we start up our last fire.
Despite the snow, the power outages and the rest, we manage to pack, load the car, get out of the cleaning people's way and settle up with Jim to be on our way by 1015. It is quite an adventure driving down the dirt road hill from the cottages to the main road over the Quiet Man Bridge. We yell goodbye to our sheep dog friend, we will miss him. To complicate matters, it begins to snow VERY heavily after we pass through Oughterard on the way to our hotel in Galway City. We keep our spirits up by listening to live Christmas morning mass on the radio. You can here all the babies crying throughout the service, and the war between the choir and the congregation makes for amusing musical interludes. We have no idea how to get to hotel, and only a street address to go by with a small map. Amy gets concerned and we stop at the first open Petrol station to ask directions. She gets nervous that she is going the wrong way, and we turn around, despite his directions, to find a nice lady, on herway back from church, where we should go. She gives us directions, and we end up right back where we turned around. We were two minutes from the hotel when we panicked.
1230 GMT - We eat some pub lunch at the hotel, sign up for Christmas dinner and relax for a short while in the hotel.
We call family in the states and wish everyone a Happy Christmas (they don't say Merry Christmas here in Ireland.) The phone is set up to deny you the ability to use it for internet, and I only brought a UK style modem cable...I don't have an RJ45 connector with me, and all the stores are closed. I end up going down to the lobby to use the 1 euro for 10 minute computer with internet access there. I FINALLY have my Sonics scores!!! They lost to Phoenix by a single basket, but then beat Denver, they are playing GREAT basketball.
1400 GMT - We decide to head out and visit St. Nicholas' Cathedral where Christopher Columbus was supposed to have prayed before leaving to find the "New World." Galway was once a Spanish city. Both the boys fall asleep while we are driving around the city, and Amy goes in alone. She decides not to disturb the people praying by taking any photos of the inside, but says it is stunning.
1830 GMT - We go downstairs to the restaurant for Christmas dinner. We finally learn why they are called Crackers. If you open the blasted things the right way a little piece of paper inside has a cap that pops and makes a loud cracking noise. We have a nice dinner, despite Eamon needing a clothes change in the middle when he soaks his clothes by knocking his water glass over.
2030 GMT - We all lie in our beds and watch a production of "Kiss Me Kate" on BBC. Eamon enjoys it but has LOTS of questions. Finally we turn it off after intermission and go to sleep.
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